July 11-16, 2009, Patras, Greece, Conference & Cultural Center, University of Patras

The University of Patras

The University of Patras (www.upatras.gr) is a major international centre for highest tertiary education with a proven track record not only in teaching but also in research. The 22 academic departments offer a wide range of undergraduate courses leading to the Ptychio or the Diploma, as well as an expanding range of taught and research-based postgraduate degrees. Facilities for academic work are excellent and opportunities for social life are varied and exciting.



The University is located, just outside the lively city of Patras, on a self-contained campus of about 600 acres. The campus has a lot of open-spaces, tree shaded areas and Mediterranean olive groves.

It lies at the foot of Mount Panachaikos with a view over the Gulf of Corinth to the mountains of central Greece across the water. People who come to Patras, whether for a short conference or an extended study period, tend to want to stay and usually come again and again.